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Sono adesso consultabili in formato digitale i quattro volumi dell’opera pubblicata da World Scientific Publishing.

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 L’Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics raccoglie contributi scientifici in quattro aree distinte:

  • V. 1 - Minimally Invasive Surgical Robotics: Robotics focuses on robotic technologies geared towards challenges and opportunities in minimally invasive surgery and the research, design, implementation and clinical use of minimally invasive robotic systems.
  • V. 2 - Micro and Nano Robotics in Medicine: dedicated to research activities in an area of emerging interdisciplinary technology that is raising new scientific challenges and promising revolutionary advancement in applications such as medicine and biology. The size and range of these systems are at or below the micrometer scale and comprise assemblies of micro and nanoscale components.
  • V. 3 - Image-guided Surgical Procedures and Interventions: focuses primarily on the use of image guidance during surgical procedures and the challenges posed by various imaging environments and how they related to the design and development of robotic systems as well as their clinical applications. This volume also has significant contributions from the clinical viewpoint on some of the challenges in the domain of image-guided interventions.
  • V. 4 - Rehabilitation Robotics : is dedicated to the state-of-the-art of an emerging interdisciplinary field where robotics, sensors, and feedback are used in novel ways to re-learn, improve, or restore functional movements in humans.